14 Apr 2015

Info-graphics : How Urbanization Affects the Environment !!

Urbanization is a part of modern life but its effect on the environment doesn't get enough attention. It is nearly impossible to stop urbanization but major steps need to be taken to minimize the impact it is having on our environment. When you consider that up to 85.9% of the population will be urbanized by 2050 compared to only 2% in 1800, it is clear that steps need to be taken to counteract how this shift in lifestyle is going to impact the environment.

It is frightening to think how detrimental this impact will be by 2050. At current rates of development it is difficult to imagine that urbanization won't further compromise human health and endanger even more wildlife species. The elderly are particularly vulnerable to the heat waves caused by urbanization and the displacement of wildlife it causes is unsustainable.

This info-graphic from Gotcha Wildlife outlines the effects urbanization is already having on the environment and paints a picture of what our world may look like by 2050.

Info-graphics : How Urbanization Affects the Environment



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