India has about 17.4% of global population
and 15% of livestock population with having 2% of global geographical area and
1.5% of global lands under forest (ICAR, 2012). The increasing human and animal
population has reduced the availability of land over the decades. The per
capita availability of land has declined from 0.89 hectare in 1951 to 0.28
hectare in 2013 and is projected to slide down to 0.20 hectare in 2035. As far
as agricultural land is concerned the per capita availability of land has
declined from 0.48 hectare in 1951 to 0.14 hectare in 2013 and is likely to
decline further to 0.08 hectare in 2035. (World Bank 2014). Due to burgeoning
population there is decline in per capita land availability in the country. Of
305 million hectare reported area out of total 329 million hectare in India,
about 142 million hectares is net cultivated area. And of net cultivated area about
57 million hectare (40%) is irrigated and 85 million ha. (60%) is under rain
fed. The area under cultivation is highly affected by anthropogenic as well as
natural degradation. So, in order to meet the food demands of burgeoning
population under threat of urbanization, we have to manage the land degradation
specially under cultivation and also effective measures should be adopted for
reclamation of wastelands and make them fit for agriculture. In addition with
this, in changing climate scenario, the risk prone areas exhibit a wide
variation and instability in yields.
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Pic courtesy : |
The information on the extent of soil
degradation in the country has been assessed by various agencies. The estimates
of these agencies vary widely i.e. 63.9 m.ha. to 187.0 m.ha., due to different
approaches in defining degraded soils and adopting various criteria for
delineation. The main agencies that have estimated soil degradation are; National Commission on Agriculture (NCA,
1976), Society for Promotion of Wasteland Developments (SPWD, 1984), National
Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA, 1985), Ministry of Agriculture (1985), and
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSSLUP, 1984 & 2005).
The problems of land degradation are
prevalent in many forms throughout the country. In most cases, a combination of
such problem exists. In absence of comprehensive and periodic scientific
surveys, estimates have been made on the basis of localized surveys and
Land degradation is a global problem, largely related to agricultural
use. The major causes collectively include:
- Land
clearance, such as clear-cutting and deforestation
- Agricultural
depletion of soil nutrients through poor farming practices
- Livestock including overgrazing and over drafting
- Inappropriate
irrigation and over drafting
- Urban sprawl and commercial
- Soil contamination
- Overgrazing
by livestock can lead to land degradation
- Vehicle
- Quarrying of stone, sand, ore and minerals
- Increase
in field size due to economies of scale,
reducing shelter for wildlife, as hedgerows and copses disappear
- Exposure
of naked soil after harvesting by heavy equipment
- Monoculture,
destabilizing the local ecosystem
- Dumping of non-biodegradable trash, such as plastic
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Pic courtesy : |
Land degradation assessment by
different organizations
Preliminary area statistics of degraded
and wastelands of India
Pic courtesy : |
- Waterlogged
- Salt-affected soils
- Saline
- Sodic
- Acidic soils
- Physically
degraded soils.
Salt-affected Soils
These soils contain excessive amount of either soluble salts
or exchangeable sodium or both affecting crop yields and crop production.
Depending upon the physiochemical properties and the nature of the salts, the
soils are classified into saline, sodic and saline-sodic. Information on the
salt-affected soils provided by the CSSRI, Karnal, was used for the
harmonization of the degraded wasteland datasets of India. Gujarat has
highest area under saline soil and Uttar Pradesh has highest area under Sodic
soils. (
- Leaching with water
- Selection of salt tolerant crops and their varieties
- Use of green manure like Dhaincha
Waterlogged Soils: West Bengal has
highest area under waterlogged soils. (
- Causes:
- Climatological : Rainfall and
Flood water
- Irrigation : Uncontrolled,
- Drainage : Poor drainage
- Topography : Depressed land
- Land shape : Saucer shaped land become waterlogged
- Height of ground water table
§ Leveling of land
§ Mechanical drainage
§ Controlled irrigation
§ Flood control measures
§ Plantation of trees having high
transpiration rate
§ Check the seepage in the canals and
irrigation channels
§ Selection of crops and their proper varieties
§ Sowing on bunds or ridges
§ Nutrient management
Acidic Soil:
These soils develop in humid and
per-humid areas due to excessive leaching of cations with high rainfall,
resulting in lowering of pH and loss of soil fertility, and can be reclaimed by
addition of chemical amendments like lime. For assessing area under acid soils,
soil maps of different states on 1: 250,000 scale were digitized in the GIS
format. The non-spatial (attribute) data on pH values were linked to master
soil layer to generate soil reaction (pH) map of India, which was reclassified
to produce a soil acidity map of India. The acidity map of India, thus
produced, facilitates understanding of spatial distribution and pH status of
soils in different parts of India. Based on the range of pH values, the map has
been reclassified as strongly acidic (pH < 4.5); moderately acidic (pH
4.5–5.5); slightly acidic (pH 5.5–6.5) and non-acidic (pH > 6.5). However,
for the estimation of the degraded lands of India, only strongly acidic - pH
< 4.5 and moderately acidic – pH 4.5–5.5 soils have been considered. West
Bengal has highest area under acidic soils (
¡ Management and
land use
§ Fertilizers(acidic like ammonium
sulphate), organic matter, and other amendments (like calcium sulphate)
§ Submergence and subsequent uplift of
land exposing reduced sediments to oxidation processes
¡ Pollution
§ Acid rain
§ Mining
¡ Climate
§ Weathering and leaching
§ Rainfall leaching
§ Metal hydrolysis: during hydrolysis of
metal several acids are released which leads to acidity of soils
¡ Crop
selection (acid tolerant varieties)
¡ Judicious
use of acidic fertilizers
¡ Amelioration
(with lime)
¡ Combination
of above practices
Other Problem Soils:
Mainly consists of eroded soils and compacted soil.
¡ Others
a) Fluffy paddy soils
b) Sandy soils
c) Hard Pan
d) Surface crust soil
e) Waste lands
Compacted Soils:
When stress applied to a soil causes increase in density as
air is displaced from the pores between the soil grains.
§ BD
>1.6-1.8 g/cm3
§ Compaction
led soil degradation worldwide area of 68,000 km2. Oldeman et al.
§ About
32% of subsoils in Europe are highly vulnerable and 18% are moderately
vulnerable. (Fraters, 2011)
§ Periodic deep ploughing
§ Controlled traffic of heavy farm implement
§ Conservational
tillage and building organic matter
§ Crop
rotation with deep tap root system( like pigeon pea)
§ Avoid
field operations when soils near field capacity
Management of Eroded Land:
Several measures depending upon slope and resource
availability like
1) Agronomic
cultivation, various mulching, strip cropping and other crop rotation and
systems of Agroforestry.
2) Mechanical (>2%):-
Bunding, terracing, basin listing, levelling and other improved techniques like
The pressure on land has been mounting up at an alarming
rate due to burgeoning population. Among Asian countries, India has severe
problem in soil due to erosion and chemical degradation. Waterlogged soil can
be managed through controlled irrigation, proper drainage and nutrient
management. Chemically affected soils can be managed through hydro technical
and chemical amendments with suitable crops and varieties. Physically degraded
soils can be managed through proper engineering of machines used and proper
conservation measures for soil management. There is a need of spatial
distribution of problem soil through innovative techniques like remote sensing
and GIS, which can act as a platform for policy makers in due course of
management of problem soils. Here the problem is the lack of time series data
disaggregated by local specific micro-data, which could be analyzed for
assessment of situation change over time at specific problem areas.
Future Outlook
§ Suitable
and economic conservation measures have to establish with response to changing
climate and land use pattern
§ To reclaim soil
to a minimum level with incorporation of crop residues and replenish the
nutrients removed by the crops judiciously along with chemical treatments
§ People
consciousness and public-private co-operation need to be emphasized to
combat problem with robust and future
oriented policy support by government
H.; R. Lal and P.F. Reich. (2001). "Land degradation: an overview". New Delhi, India: Oxford Press.
Retrieved 2012-02-05.
Abrol, I.P. (1990). Problem soils in
India, pp. 153-65. In: Problem Soils of Asia and the Pacific FAO/RAPA,
Das, D.C. (1985). Problem of soil
erosion and land degradation in India. Proceedings of the National Seminar on
the Soil Conservation and Watershed Management held on 17–18 September
New Delhi.
Gautam, N.C. and Narayan, L.R.A.
(1988). Wastelands in India, pp. 96. Pink Publishing House, Mathura, India
- degradation.html
How climate change and land degradation are interrelated?
How we can have control on land degradation efficiently?
(Written by Prakash Jha, National Secretary at All India Agricultural Students Association (AIASA) and Research Fellow at IARI (Indian Agricultural Research Institute), New Delhi)
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