plays an important role in shaping an individual’s career and to earn
recognition and respect in the society. Undoubtedly education is both socially
& personally an indispensible part of human life. However the inequalities
in the standards of education are still a major issue that needs to be solved
as early as it could be. The importance of education in our life cannot be
ignored at any cost. Life would be detrimental and disastrous without quality
education. Hence it is the prime duty of mankind to try to make education
flexible with changing pace of the world. Primary function of education is to
increase the range of options for individuals. Therefore, we tend to define
educational quality in terms of quantity of inputs. The best programs are those
which provide most opportunities in terms of widest varieties of courses,
teachers with most credentials, broadest range of physical facilities.
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Indian Farmer in field (pic courtesy : |
demand-driven reversal in rural-to-urban migration patterns is creating
increasing interest in the quality education in rural areas and subjects
pertaining to those areas like Agriculture and allied subjects, so as to meet
needs of people in sparsely populated regions. Just as rural roads have been routinely
left off national maps, so too rural subject like agriculture have been
routinely left off national educational agendas, strictly while talking about sustainability
of our agricultural education system. Of course their meager absence from
national educational agenda does not mean that, these have disappeared. But we
have to raise our voices to strengthen it for the sake of the country.
Agriculture continues to remain a major
sector of the Indian economy. It contributes 13 per cent of GDP, provides more than 50 per cent of employment and continues to be the primary source of
living for 58 per cent of the population.
Technological progress in agriculture is, therefore, crucial for the overall
economic development of the country. With the constitutional changes of 1919,
responsibility for agriculture was transferred to the Provincial Governments.
On the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Agriculture (1928), the
Imperial Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was established as a
Registered Society in 1929, which was funded mainly through a lump sum grant
from the Government and the proceeds from the cess levied on certain
commodities exported from India. After independence, the Council was renamed as
the Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR) on June 10, 1948.
After independence, the research system
has undergone some major changes. First, a number of State Agricultural
Universities were established following the recommendations of the first Joint
Indo-American Team in 1955. The first one was established in 1960 at Pantnagar in Uttar Pradesh (now in
Uttarakhand) and other States followed suit. There are now 53 Agricultural Universities spread
over different States. In addition, there are four National Institutes of the ICAR, which are involved in higher
agricultural education at the postgraduate level. These are: (i) Indian Agricultural Research Institute
(IARI), New Delhi; (ii) Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar;
(iii) National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal; and (iv) Central
Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Mumbai. These Institutes have
Deemed University status, and offer their own degrees and diplomas in
agriculture and allied areas. There is also a Central Agricultural University (CAU) at Imphal to cater to the
needs of North-Eastern States and one recently established Rani Lakshmibai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi.
The present agricultural research
system comprises essentially two main streams, viz. the ICAR at the national
level and the Agricultural Universities at the state level. Besides, several
other agencies such as the Conventional / General Universities, Scientific Organizations,
and various Ministries / Departments at the Center, and also Private or Voluntary
Organizations participate directly or indirectly in research activities related
to agriculture. The ICAR is the apex body for coordinating, guiding and
managing research and education in agriculture including horticulture,
fisheries and animal sciences in the entire country. With 99 ICAR institutes and 53 agricultural universities spread across the country this is one
of the largest national agricultural systems in the world.
World is
changing with immense pace supported by technological interventions and with
targeted missions. In India, are we with
the pace of global advancement? What are our broad educational goals in
agricultural system; what is our mission? Obviously, the key figure in the
educational systems is the students, or learner. What, then, are the objectives
for him as an individual? How do we plan to attain these objectives? Only by
studying data and analyzing the various alternatives, can we make sound
decisions? How do we know, when we have achieved our objectives; what are our
methods of accountability? How do we feed this information into the rethinking
of our objectives; how do we recycle?
On the
basis of such organized process we can plan for the future – not as
necromancers but as architects. With a value, rational, didactic,
psychological, economic, and political strategies, we can advance towards
reforms in educational as well as administrative reforms in agriculture.
Whatever design is used, simple or complex, naïve or sophisticated, it must
serve decision-making processes effectively, with core focus on relevance,
significance, scope, credibility, timeliness and pervasiveness for the
When we
think of change, we too often think in terms of contrasts and extremes. Usually,
however, no matter how drastic the change, how revolutionary the outcome, there
is first a series of steps, of trials and errors, even of outright failure
occurring along the way until the ultimate is achieved. So it is in
AGRICULTURE. Until our goals are reached, until a totally new system is
adopted, we will not stand still. New programs will be developed, new
directions undertaken. We will go through a series of transitions from where we
are to where we plan to be. However, the problem we are facing today is one of
rate of change. We can no longer go along at our own comfortable pace,
conferring, meditating and setting long periods aside to “see what happens.”
Knowledge has accelerated to a degree unknown, this in turn calls for
accelerated change, a speeding up of our intellectual reflexes. Our “response
time” must be cut down.Because of the urgency to at least meet the world
where it is, we must break through our own time barrier and seek new directions
is a “science with human face”, so we have to amalgamate both “import
and improve model” and “community based education model” having
multiple kind of settings, each tailored to specific needs of different
communities. Our agricos need to be trained to compete with one another if they
are to be able to compete successfully in the urban market. They need to learn
to deal with strangers in impersonal settings if they are to be able to live
and work happily in global environment. They need to learn job skills which
will be marketable in the cities.
To achieve this well tailored goal, we have to fine tune our
existing agricultural education system with subtle innovations, like
a.) Rapid up
gradation of course curricula
of languages and book promotion in agriculture with major emphasis on technical
of youth services ,like Krishi Yuvak
Kendras as per the pattern of NSS
radio and TV talk for students as per their course schedule
e.)One to one
interaction in local schools during vacation of agricultural graduates in
vernacular with locally relevant issues
of farm schools at every districts and graduates should be interns there
and contingency fund to students pursuing degrees
h.)Short term
funds for the projects which not only promote basic research insight among
students but also promote them to pursue higher education
i.)Strengthening of infrastructure like libraries and
laboratories which promote learning habit among education
with external academic bodies through scholarship program and partial financial
assistance scheme
of private agencies in agricultural education and research
l.)Compulsory work experience courses of processing and value
addition during each semester
m.)Career counseling through advisory bodies under DSW
n.)Inter-university study exchange program
of agricultural education in Indian Educational service
p.)Parity of
higher education in agriculture with other professional subjects, like
establishments of IARI like institute in major corners of country
separate Indian Agricultural Service
cadre which not only promote education system but also strengthen
administrative and policy support
license for graduates on the pattern of veterinary and medical students which
will boost graduates in terms of career options
gradation of ASRB as national body under separate agricultural commission
Apart from
all these reforms in educational setup we need a robust administrative and
policy support for making it practical. Day-by-day farming has become
profitless. Farmers are under debt and committing suicides. Agricultural
scientists and Technocrats have no or limited say in decision making in
government and hence their service conditions are not sound. There is no
regulatory framework for agricultural research and education as developmental
program are handled by generalist. The recommendation of various government
appointed committees such as National
Farmers commission have not been implemented by the government.
In due
course of reforms in agricultural administrative reforms, we have to ponder
over these important points, like
a.)Need of overall Administrative
Reorganization in the sector to reap maximum out of the HR (Central Subject-state subject issue, tussle between the
national and State bodies regarding policy making and implementation):
of an organized cadre system in the form of
Indian Agriculture Service
of Agriculture Extension System in the country for Technology dissemination to farmers:
of a transparent system by eradicating bureaucratic interference in
implementation of agriculture development programs
e.)Inclusion of Agriculture Works (Farm
Operations) under MG National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and Engagement of Agriculture Graduates for
implementation of MGNREGA
f.)Establishing Centre and State
Agriculture Council as regulatory body for giving accreditation to agriculture
education and for granting license to Agriculture degree holders by considering
agriculture degree as professional degree at par with graduate degree in
Medical and Veterinary Science
regulatory mechanism for supply of quality agricultural inputs to farmers at a
reasonable and affordable price with performance guaranty / warranty of inputs
and promotion of organic inputs’ production at farm/village/cluster level
and marketing linkage of agriculture produce for value addition to farmers
i.)Framing of National/State
Agriculture Policy
j.) Separate budget for agriculture
k.)Minimum support price for
agriculture produce may be made Profitable Price
l.)Creation of Grievances Redress
Mechanism for Agriculturists(Agriculture scientists/Officers, Farmers and
m.)Separate TV/Radio Channel and separate page in news paper
for covering
news related to farmers
n.)Element of Agriculture Levi/Cess on Corporate Sector
o.)Promotion of Mechanization,
Diversified Agriculture, Secondary Agriculture, Mixed Farming and Organic
p.)Research on GM crops
q.)Maximum use of ICT
r.)Proper collaboration between co-operatives and private
agencies through government support
of agriculture will not only help in up-liftment of the farmers but also benefit
the larger section of the rural poor who are directly engaged in agriculture or
indirectly linked with agriculture as consumers. Efficient way of production,
stabilized prices, higher income from agriculture would create a more
supportive environment for the development of the economy as a whole and rural
development in particular. One of the most important component of the much needed
reforms is not only implementation of the policy in time but also simultaneous
review and evaluations of the impact of the policies and taking immediate steps
to rectify the negative impacts caused by any of the policies. Inter sectorial
linkages and organization of the agricultural sector also needs to be taken up
complementarily. Sustainability is another key issue.
The visible institutional
changes with new models of marketing and cultivation should be supported by
government policies too. Priority investment areas identified need to be taken
under action plan without any loss of time. Risk management should be
forthright and incentive based system needs to be introduced to motivate farmers
to efficient agriculture. Empowerment of the small and marginal farmers through
education, reforms and development will ensure a better, efficient and
strengthened ambience for Indian agriculture. Motivation towards new models in
production and marketing along with creating awareness and imparting education
to small farmers will help in development of the sector and more importantly
improve the economic status of poor farmers. The action plan to strengthen
agriculture in India needs to be on reforms of the sector through reduction of
government intervention and allowing it to be market driven. Government should
play major role as evaluator and implement commensurate policies to unbind the
growth, increase investment and prioritize the area for investment etc.
Parallel action plans also needed in research to increase productivity and irrigation
and water management.
is your view on Indian agriculture system? How it can be made more advanced and
are your suggestions/ideas to make Indian agriculture system world class?
by Prakash Jha, an Alumnus of Dept. of Agriculture, BHU,
Varanasi and currently JRF at IARI (Indian Agricultural Research
Institute), New Delhi)
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